What Does Teamwork Mean to DCO?
This past Thursday, DCO Commercial Floors hosted their first ever employee summit. Employees from across our 4 branches came together for fellowship, growth, and to learn how to be a better team together. Our leadership team lead an exercise where our employees were placed into groups and were asked the question: What does teamwork mean to DCO? Each letter was in the word was deemed a quality that would make a team successful. We all know that together everyone achieves more, and this exercise showed us that our teammates each have different perspectives of what creates success in a team. Here are the results:
T – Trust
E -Efficiency
A – Accountability
M – Motivation
W – Willingness
O – Organized
R – Reliable
K – Knowledge
After the sessions, we asked our employees to vote for what teamwork means to them at DCO. The following results are what our employees feel are the attributes of a successful team working to achieve.